Things to Consider When Hosting an Online Music Recital
Here's a quick checklist to help you remember the things you need to consider when hosting an online music recital.

As the Covid-19 pandemic is far from over, it seems that the restrictions on larger gatherings and safety precautions like social distancing will continue. If you’re a music teacher, perhaps you’ve already shifted your classes online or are planning to do it soon. Whatever be the case, you may still be worried about hosting an online music recital. But don’t let small setbacks like those prevalent in the present situation set you back! You definitely have what it takes to host a successful online music recital provided you keep certain things in mind for seamless recital management. Let’s run through a quick checklist to help you get started.
Know and be comfortable with the technology in use
You may have hosted in-person studio recitals for years. Despite your experience, you need to remember that hosting an online music recital is an entirely new ballgame. For efficient recital management online, you need to know and be comfortable with the technology you’ll be using. This means you should select your chosen platform or app, set up the date and time for the recital, and share it with your students. Ideally, you should do a few trial runs before your scheduled date of the recital to ensure everything works fine, and everyone is used to the app or platform in use. This way, both you and your students would be comfortable and ready before the D-Day.
Invest time to prepare well
Preparation is the key to your online music recital’s management and success. You should make your students practice well in the weeks and days before your event. This way, technological glitches, if any, could be fixed. Additionally, you’ll be able to spot students who’re lagging behind in the class and hold special sessions to bring them up to speed. The more your students can prepare before the recital, the less they’ll need to worry about on the D-Day as everything would then flow naturally as if the entire recital is effortless.
Plan ahead
If you need to share video/audio files or image files with your students during the practice sessions, do it without any delay. In case you need to send or share musical notes, or want your students to take printouts or store information locally on their laptop or computer, get them all done well in advance. Apart from getting your students used to the app/platform and the technology powering it, you should also guide them about their expected behavior during the recital.
With the checklist above, online recital management should no longer be a headache. And if you’re yet to find a suitable platform for your online music recital, you can consider using